Be Who You Are - Micah 6

Title: Be Who You Are
Speaker: Nate Holdridge
Text: Micah 6

Micah Theme: Throughout his prophecies, we will encounter a figure who is both king and shepherd, who will lead God's remnant flock.

Overview: In this week's sermon from Calvary Monterey, we explore the profound message of Micah 6, inviting us to remember and embody our true identity as God's chosen people. Through the lens of Micah's prophetic voice, we're reminded of the importance of acting justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with our God. The sermon not only unpacks the historical context and significance of these ancient words but also applies them to our lives today, challenging us to live out our calling as covenant partners and image bearers of the divine. Join us as we reflect on how to align our lives with the identity God has bestowed upon us, turning from disobedience to a life marked by faithfulness and love.

Link to Sermon Notes

Link to Discussion Questions

Bernhard Klingenberg