I Will Establish My Glorious Kingdom - Micah 3:1-4:5

Title: I Will Establish My Glorious Kingdom
Speaker: Nate Holdridge
Text: Micah 3:1-4:5

Micah Theme: Throughout his prophecies, we will encounter a figure who is both king and shepherd, who will lead God's remnant flock.

Overview: In this installment of the Calvary Monterey podcast, we explore Micah's profound messages about the stark differences between the corrupt practices of ancient Israel's leaders and the future splendor of God's reign. "The Call of the Shepherd-King: Establishing God's Glorious Kingdom" brings into focus how historical injustices and the anticipation of a divine kingdom resonate with our current experiences, urging us to introspection, transformation, and alignment with divine principles. Through a comprehensive examination of Micah 3:1–4:5, listeners are encouraged to contemplate justice, leadership, and personal commitment to God's path. This discussion not only unveils the intricacies of ancient prophecies but also connects them to our everyday pursuit of living according to the values of God's kingdom—peace, righteousness, and presence in a world that yearns for change. Join us as we navigate the journey of faithfulness in a fractured world, buoyed by the promise of what is to come.

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Bernhard Klingenberg