I Am Ready To Lead - Micah 2

Title: I Am Ready To Lead
Speaker: Nate Holdridge
Text: Micah 2

Micah Theme: Throughout his prophecies, we will encounter a figure who is both king and shepherd, who will lead God's remnant flock.

Overview: Today, we dive into "The Call of the Shepherd-King 02—I am Ready to Lead," a sermon that explores the profound roles of Jesus as both Savior and Lord, drawing on the teachings of Micah. The sermon invites listeners to reconsider their relationship with Jesus, emphasizing not just salvation but a life led under His guidance. It addresses the importance of covenant, the dangers of covetousness, and the transformative power of embracing Jesus' leadership in every aspect of life. Through a mix of biblical insight and practical application, this episode challenges believers to live out their faith with Jesus as their Shepherd-King, guiding them toward contentment, generosity, and a deeper commitment to His teachings.

Link to Sermon Notes

Link to Discussion Questions

Bernhard Klingenberg