Never An Ornamental Extra - Exodus 3:13-4:17

Title: Never An Ornamental Extra
Speaker: Nate Holdridge
Text: Exodus 3:13-4:17

Exodus Theme: The holy God wants us to know him and experience his presence, but we must first exit unholy bondage and enter holy servitude.

Overview: In our passage today, God appears to Moses as discontent to be thought of as an ornamental extra. He is meant to be at the center of his people, the focus of our lives. He is all that we are not. He is altogether sufficient—our "ever-present and ever-present interventionist for good."1 He is inexhaustibly enough; originates the great reversal humanity needs; is the ultimate power of powers, even the power of death; and is the sovereign Lord who works out his plans—and he longs to be at the center of our lives.

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Bernhard Klingenberg