God's Song - Exodus 15:1-21

Title: God’s Song
Speaker: Nate Holdridge
Text: Exodus 15:1-21

Exodus Theme: The holy God wants us to know him and experience his presence, but we must first exit unholy bondage and enter holy servitude.

Overview: They knew God had plans for them. In their minds, they were now his people, just as he'd promised. Their identity was wrapped up in him. He had purchased them on that Passover night. They would be planted and established by him and with him forever and ever (17-18). He loved them and was living out a covenant he had made with them. They were his.

What about you? Are you conscious of his covenant love for and with you? Do you recognize how much he has done to draw you back into himself? Do you feel that he is trying to bring you home?

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Bernhard Klingenberg