God's Presence - Exodus 35-40

Title: God’s Presence
Speaker: Nate Holdridge
Text: Exodus 35-40

Exodus Theme: The holy God wants us to know him and experience his presence, but we must first exit unholy bondage and enter holy servitude.

Overview: In this Calvary Monterey sermon, our final study of Exodus, we delve into "Knowing God 17—God's Presence—Exodus 35-40." This sermon takes us on a journey through the final chapters of Exodus, exploring the construction of the Tabernacle and its significance in the Israelites' relationship with God. We examine the themes of sacrifice, priesthood, and the necessity of a sacred meeting space, and how these elements point towards the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ. This episode offers a vivid interpretation of Moses' experiences and the transformative power of God's presence, inviting listeners to reflect on their own spiritual journey and relationship with God. Join us as we uncover the depth and beauty of God's word and its relevance to our daily lives.

Link to Sermon Notes

Bernhard Klingenberg