God Prepares - Exodus 17:8-18:27

Title: God Prepares
Speaker: Nate Holdridge
Text: Exodus 17:8-18:27

Exodus Theme: The holy God wants us to know him and experience his presence, but we must first exit unholy bondage and enter holy servitude.

Overview: What does this mean? It means that the counsel Jethro gave Moses pointed forward to a greater day when God would not only distribute his word through smaller groups, leaders, and teachers but would inscribe it on the internal drives and motivations of his people. It means that, before Jesus came, people devoted to the word were like musicians reading sheet music and trying to play what they read. But after Jesus came, because he gave us the Spirit, we can become like musicians who know the song so well we can play it like it is second nature—his word in us.

Link to Sermon Notes

Bernhard Klingenberg